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About us
What makes Barobone 365 Clinic special
At Barobone 365 Clinic, we will plan a 1:1 personalized
treatment plan that best suits you through attentive care.
What makes Barobone 365 Clinic special
Specialist care every day,
365 days a year

We will be a reliable primary care physician who you can trust with your precious joints for the rest of your life, prioritizing your happiness. through correct diagnosis and heartfelt treatment that
  • Orthopedics
  • Internal Medicine
  • Pediatrics

Advanced diagnostics by the chief director

Our highly qualified doctors use their years of experience and advanced equipment to pinpoint the cause of your pain.

1:1 personalized treatment according to your individual condition

Our expert therapists keep track of your treatment progress and provide you with a step-by-step treatment program tailored to your condition.

Honest treatment without overtreatment

To prevent you from neglecting the painful area and worsening your symptoms due to the burden of treatment, we honestly provide only the necessary treatment.

Thorough hygiene management system

We implement thorough sterilization and infection control so that you can receive treatment in a comfortable and safe environment.

Barobone 365 Clinic (Headquarter) ㆍ CEO : Jong Bin Lee ㆍ Business Registration Number : 170-98-01168 ㆍ Phone Number : +82-32-575-0365
Address:3F~4F, 309 Gajeong-ro, Seo-gu, Incheon, South Korea
Copyright 2023. barobone365 All rights reserved.